How to beat the supply chain

Earlier in my career, I produced and brokered millions of direct mail pieces. My loquacious daughter described my job as “making your junk mail look good.” She wasn’t wrong.

Direct Mail Examples

What she didn’t appreciate at the time was my dedication to US production—there were many customers (including one I serviced for over 20 years!) who pressured me to find offshore options to reduce their price. I declined, first on labor principles to keep Americans employed, and later for sustainability concerns and managing the overall environmental footprint.

In today’s challenging supply chain, there is more reason than ever to “shop local” whenever we can to ensure some control over one’s destiny. It shocks me to learn of companies getting their primary packaging printed overseas—especially CBD products with nonstop regulatory content changes. It may be ok when it gets on the boat, but by the time it arrives, is it really cost effective if you are forced to overlabel a million wrappers to correct something on the packaging? (not to mention what it does to one’s brand integrity)

CBD Beverage with overlabel for dosing information

Recently, it warmed my heart when a client asked me to find a US solution for some wine gift boxes. We worked hard to find a good partner, and in the end, we found not only US manufacturers with competitive pricing, but we found BAY AREA manufacturers to produce the rigid set up boxes. This project kept no less than 4 companies busy, employees working, and also greatly reduced the freight impact for local delivery. (Ask me sometime about my experience shipping air/empty boxes…)

The best part of the story, though, is one of the subcontractors. For years, I worked with Apex Die for high end collateral material. I went to college with one of the founding family members. My former father-in-law was their attorney for years. So, when it was time for the exquisite foil emboss on the wine box, I was thrilled to find out I would get to do the press ok in a place that has great personal history to me, and the best reputation in the bay area printing industry for foil finishing work. They did not disappoint. So pleased they continue to thrive in the underground trade economy.

2-piece Gift Box for Wine Gifting, produced in the Bay Area

So, some reasons to print local:

  • Keep fellow Americans employed
  • Reduce the overall environmental footprint of printed goods by limiting freight
  • Reduced lead times allow for flexibility in content
  • Long term relationships lead to better outcomes

You won’t notice it, but even our online portal Sandbox is configured to use vendors who are local to the ship-to destination. One of the vendors is a printer we’ve used for 25 years, and he has our complete trust.

Check out DIY print ordering for your DTC shipments

If you’d like to find local solutions for your print and packaging, send us an email. We are currently vetting a west coast supplier of wood boxes with capacity to produce now!

We’ll help you reduce your environmental footprint, and keep your neighbors employed.